Sonntag, 23. September 2012

EDHC - Eastern District Honor Choir

I made it YEAH! :D

I got up at 4am this morning and I had to be at the school at 5am. Then we all drove to Muskogee (with a yellow school bus btw :D ). And then everyone had their audition. Mine was at 11:40am. In our freetime we were hanging around outside. A friend brought a guitar and so we were playing guitar and singing. :) It was a great day! 
After my audition I didn't feel very good because I thought I'm not going to make it. I was so nervous! 
Yeah but now I'm even happier!! Haha :D

Josh, me, and Autumn at 5am haha :D

Congratulations to everyone who made it! :)

Mittwoch, 19. September 2012

Just to let you know... I'm not coming back ;)

... Well, at least I don't want to haha. :D
It's awesome here. I love my family, my school, and my friends!
My grades are really good. I have a B in American History and an A in all my other classes. And in my history test today I made an 80. :)

In choir we have a group called "League of Unified Shirts on Wednesdays". That means, every Wednesday we wear the same shirt color. Tomorrow, it's grey-shirt-wednesday! :)

Saturday I have to be at the school at 5:15 in the morning, because we are driving to Muskogee for the "Eastern District Honor Choir" audition (EDHC). I hope I'm gonna make it! I'll let you know! ;)

Sonntag, 9. September 2012

Pirate Football!

I had a pretty good week! :) I still love it here. Can't believe I'm already here for more than a month now! :D
Yesterday was another football game in Van Buren. We won 18:15 !!
It was an awesome game but it was raining a lot... But as I'm the #1 fan, we all stayed and watched the whole game. :D

On Wednesday I'm going to order my class ring. This is what it will look like:

But where it says "School's Mascot Symbol" right now, there will be a Pirate, because that's our mascot! :D

Montag, 3. September 2012

Football, Monkeys and Tuskahoma Fair.. :D

Heeeyyy :))) what's up?? 
Mir gehts super! :D 
Am Freitag war das erste richtige football game in Durant. It was awesome! Und wir haben gewonnen! 28:21 Go Pirates! :D It was so much fun. Und ich versteh das jetzt sogar und kenn fast alle Positionen! ;)
Und nach dem Spiel sind wir nach Texas gefahren, zu der Tante von meinem Hostdad. Die hat 4 Affen als Haustiere! Die waren sooo süß! (Foto auf Facebook kommt noch ;) ) 
Und dann gestern waren wir den ganzen Tag in Tuskahoma mit der Jugendgruppe von der Kirche. Da war sowas wie ne Kirmes mit Ständen wo man was gewinnen konnte und Karussells und da waren Musik Gruppen und so. :) Der Tag war richtig super und ich hab was gewonnen!!