Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013

Last day of School and Tornadoes...

Sooo, as most of you may know, Friday was our last day of school. It was sad but I made it through the day. :)
The last week was great though. On Tuesday we had our talent show in the school. Some of the people were really good, others... well.... you know. Some of my friends did a dance and they won! It was really good and funny! :)
And then Wednesday we had the award show. That's where all the seniors get awards and scholarships and stuff like that. It was cool actually but it got boring cause it was almost 3 hours long.
On Thursday in choir we had cake because our choir teacher is retiring after this year... On Saturday we had a surprise concert for him and a lot of his students from all the last years showed up to sing with us. It was just amazing!
The whole last week of school I took so many pictures with all of my friends and I let them all sign one of my Poteau Pirate shirts. I will keep that forever! I love y'all!

Well... and then there were the tornadoes... So Monday, yesterday, we had went to Fort Smith to go shopping and we were almost on our way back when we heard about the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. So when we got back home, on TV they said the tornado probably wouldn't hit Poteau, but we had a thunderstorm warning. We were all just sitting in the living room, all scared. Outside it was really still, like no wind at all. And then it started raining a little and there was thunder and lightning but not real bad you know. Well and then suddenly the sirens went off, we all ran outside, got in the car, and drove to the safe room of the middle school. And seriously, within maybe 5 minutes the wind and rain got so strong ut was unbelievable! So we were all sitting in the safe room and I was majorly freaking out. I had never been so scared in my entire life.
The tornado really hit Poteau, but luckily it wasn't that bad anymore. There was some damage downtown, but on our street there was only a few branches on the street and stuff. But I tell you, it was scary! And it hasn't stopped raining ever since...

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

Last week of school...

So the last week of school has started.. It's really sad to me and in first hour I almost started crying lol. Well, four school days left, let's make the best out of it!

Last week we had our choir spring concert. It was really good! I sang in the normal choir and we did two of our show choir songs and then some other people had solos and duets and stuff. It was fun! :)

Last Friday I went to Fort Smith with some of my friends. We went to eat at Fuji and then to the movies to watch The Great Gatsby. That movie is AMAZING! You HAVE to watch it! We started crying lol. But Leonardo DiCaprio is such a great actor! And he is perfect for the part he's playing.

Saturday our soccer boys played in the state championship finals in Tulsa. The school provided a bus for students who wanted to go see the game, so one of my friends and I went to see it and it was awesome! The game was intense but our boys did really good and won in the end! :) Go Pirates!! But it seriously almost gave me heart attacks. :D
After regular time it was 3:3 so they had to go into overtime. Golden Goal: whoever scored first, won. It was nerve racking!
But I'm so glad they won! When they scored that last goal, everyone jumped up and ran onto the field to celebrate and then we took a bunch of pictures and stuff. It was 1am when I got home but I had a blast! :)
Go Pirates! ♥

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013

More Prom :D

I know I wanted to upload these pictures about two weeks ago, but yeah I don't know. I always forgot or didn't have time or whatever. But finally, Here they are! :)

Prom 2013 ♥

Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2013

Last month...

First of all, Happy 1st of May to all my German friends! :) I hope y'all had fun last night. :)

I went to the band concert from our school last night and it was really awesome. They had black lights for some of the songs and that looked really cool.
Next Monday is our choir spring concert. I'm really excited for that. :)

Well, my last month here started today. I have exactly 30 days left... This will be going by so fast I can't even believe it..